Monday, February 7, 2011


Before I went into the dr office to try getting the blood test taken care of I took a long hot shower. That proved to be the winning ticket because the MA only had to stick me once. I was so glad that my body cooperated this time.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Blood draws aren't painful. They're just a pain.

For some reason my body likes my blood and doesn't like to hand it over to anyone, ever. It's always 50/50 as to whether the MAs will be able to find a willing vein and then it's even more slim that it will actually drain. I've ended up having to head to the hospital many times. ICK.

So, when I saw the amount of vials yesterday (5) I knew I was in for an uphill battle. I laughed at the MA and said good luck. After an hour of sticks, gloves filled with hot water, 2 cups of chlorine tasting hot water to drink, running my arms under hot water and a flash light that sort of reminded me of a taser (to use this he had to stick me in the dark...) we had a grand total of 1/3 of one vial. awesome.

At that point I could either head to the hospital or come back tomorrow morning. I chose the latter. I'm heading back in about an hour. I hope my vains cooperate a bit better today. If not I'll have to head to the hospital.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Yowza...still moving forward

I went in for my dr appt last night. My GP was great and very encouraging. He ordered all the tests I wanted without blinking and even added some on because I said I want as many tests as possible. Now I'm just concerned he's going to suck me dry lol.
This is what he ordered.
Rubella IgG
Hepatitis B Core Ab
Hepatitis C Ab
HIV 1 & 2
HTLV 1 & 2
CMV IgG & Igm
Chlamydia (PCR)
Gonorrhea (PCR)
I don't even want to think about how many vials it's going to take. eek. I'm heading back into the office in a few hours to have them draw these because I needed to fast for the cholesterol.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Things are moving along

Since the last time I posted I have been searching my heart, talking to friends and listening for signs of what to do. I've decided it would be best to head back to the fertility center where they have all the fancy equipment and big opinions. I know if I did the procedure at home and came out of it without a BFP I would always wonder if it was something I did. Now, if I get to the end of this short journey without a pregnancy I can blame the doctor lol.


I scheduled an ever-loving pap for Friday and my intake with the fertility center on March 21.