It's 10pm and I should be in bed, but I'm here instead. Tomorrow morning I will go in for my not-so-yearly yearly pap and talk to the cnm about possibly re-starting Met*or*in. I don't think I need it. My sugars look great, but it can't hurt to talk to her about them on the off chance they are some kind of miracle baby making cure.
The real appointment that has me petrified is the one on Thursday. The IF center appointment. I feel like I'm heading in for a life or death interview. For some reason I feel like I'm going to have to justify my life and my choices because I'm single. What if they turn me away because I'm overweight? I'm always scared of that one...Logically, I've been through this appt before and no one ever commented on my weight and I weigh less now than I did the last time I was seen. The only real comfort I've been able to find over this is that I know at least a part of them does this for the money and I could very well look like a $ to them. If that's the case I think I'd be okay with it. I'd much rather have to deal with that then someone who likes to play God when choosing who they will treat based on "old fashioned" standards.
Okay, I'm off to bed now.
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